Robust Compliance Function with Force Sensor

Traditional power control systems require setting multiple parameters for power control. However, the robust compliance function with force sensor can easily be set by specifying the level of hardness making contact with each axis.

  • Features / System Configuration

1, Configure force control easily, simply by specifying hardness levels.*¹
2, Reduce man-hours spent on setting up force control by about 60% compared to the conventional approach.*²
3, Utilize a leading-edge force control algorithm with exceptionally improved robustness.*³

*¹ Compliance functions, a force control function, are used in assembly and polishing/grinding work where the robot’s tool tip must be pressed against the workpiece with a consistent force.
*² Compared to previous Denso Wave products.
*³ Robustness refers to the resilience of a system or machine with regard to disturbances. It signals flexibility in the face of external factors and lack of variability.

Simple parameters

Whereas conventional force control systems require the configuration of multiple force control parameters, Denso Wave’s Robust Compliance Function with Force Sensor can be configured easily simply by specifying a hardness level for contact for each axis.

System architecture

Compatible controllers

Controller Type Models
RC8A 6-axis robot VP series, VS series (VS050/060/068/087), VM series
*Product appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice.

Technical offer

Eureka Robotics

"Empowered by Robotics and A.I. research from NTU Singapore and MIT, Eureka Robotics delivers robotic software and systems to automate tasks that require High Accuracy and High Agility (#HAHA).
With offices in Singapore, France, Vietnam, Japan and distribution partners in China, and the USA, Eureka Robotics prides itself on helping clients, globally, achieve vastly improved productivity, lower costs, and better safety. Common uses include precision-handling, assembly, inspection, and other domains."

  • Features / System Configuration

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