
Technical Information

Application Development Manual | Sending files

Sending files


Send files with the BHT-protocol, BHT-Ir protocol, and Ymodem protocol.


Detailed Description

The OUT statement specifies the communications protocol for subsequent file transfers with XFILE statements.

XFILE statement can send both a program file and a data file.
Note that the data file must be closed before sending it. The BHT cannot send a file that is currently open.

We recommend that file transfer routines use error trapping, displaying an error message offering to retry, because the process is subject to communications errors--the target PC might not be ready or the BHT might not be firmly seated in the CU, for example. →Error trapping

Pressing the C key during a file transfer aborts the transfer with execution error 47h.

The BHT-7000, BHT-7500, BHT-8000, and BHT-100 series do not support the Ymodem protocol.


Send the program file TEST.PD4 using the Ymodem protocol

  open "COM1:115200" as #1
out &h6060, 3
xfile "TEST.PD4"
close #1

Send the data file TEST1.DAT using the Ymodem protocol

  open "COM1:115200" as #1
out &h6060, 3
xfile "TEST1.DAT"
close #1

Send the data file TEST2.DAT using the BHT-Ir protocol

  open "COM1:115200" as #1
out &h6060, 2
xfile "TEST2.DAT"
close #1

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