
Technical Information

Application Development Manual | Opening the IrDA communications device file

Opening the IrDA communications device file


Open the IrDA communications device file, ready for file transfers and other communications via the CU.


Detailed Description

BHT-BASIC treats communications devices as files. File and packet transfers therefore require first opening the communications device file.

speed specifies the transfer speed in bps. (See the table below.) If this parameter is omitted, the BHT uses the last setting, which defaults to 9600 bps.

Transmission Speed Setting
115200bps 115200
57600bps 57600
38400bps 38400
19200bps 19200
9600bps 9600
2400bps 2400

fileno can be any number from 1 to 16 not currently in use by another file (data or bar code device). Use the same number to send data packets to and close the communications device file.

Note that always close bar code, Wireless LAN, and other communications device files before opening this device. It cannot be used simultaneously with other such devices.

Closing the communications device when it is no longer needed conserves BHT power, increasing the time between recharges.→Closing a communications device file


Open IrDA communications device at 115200 bps

  open "COM1:115200" as #1

Open IrDA communications device at 9600 bps

  open "COM1:9600" as #1

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