

Recommended Setup Procedure for BHT-1200-CE / BHT-1100-CE

What setup method do you recommend?

  The following setup procedure is recommended.

  With this procedure, you can easily recover the programs or files even if they are unintentionally erased as a result of
  long-term storage or when reset or full-reset.


  •     ・Files you want to save in the BHT
         Save in the [\Flash\Copyfile] folder.
         At the time the BHT is full-reset, files in the [\Flash\Copyfile] folder are automatically copied to the [\] route folder.

  •                    [Example]
  • Folders copied from: Folders copied to:
    \Flash\Copyfile\Windows \Windows
    \Flash\Copyfile\Windows\Startup \Windows\Startup
    \Flash\Copyfile\Program Files \Program files
  •     ・Setup programs (setup applications, CAB files, registry files such as *.reg, etc.)
         Save in the [\Flash\Setup] folder.
    At the time the BHT is full-reset, files in the [\Flash\Setup] folder are automatically executed and the setup starts
  •      automatically.
  •     ・Startup programs (programs you want to execute at power on)
         Save in the [\Windows\Startup] folder.
         At the time the BHT is reset or full-reset, files in the [\Windows\Startup] folder are automatically executed.
         You can configure the BHT to automatically execute particular programs even if the BHT is full reset by saving the
  •      startup program in the [\Flash\Copyfile\Windows\Startup] folder.

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