

Bar code cannot be read.

Bar code cannot be read.

When unable to successfully read barcodes…

Cause Countermeasure
Specular reflection When the light is focused on the printed surface of the barcode from directly above, the BHT may not read the barcode due to specular reflection.

Change the BHT reading angle and try again.

Distance from barcode The barcode may not be read if it is too close to or too far from the BHT reading window, even when the barcode is within the read area. Move the BHT slowly away from the barcode and try again.
Barcode surface curvature The barcode may not be read if its surface is extremely curved. Read the barcode at the center of the barcode reading window.
Barcode surface dirt The barcode may not be read surface is dirty. Wipe the dirt from the barcode and try again.
Barcode reading window dirt The barcode may not be read if the barcode reading window is dirty. Blow any dust away with an airbrush, and then gently wipe the reading window with a cotton swab or similar soft object.
Direct sunlight, ambient light Barcode reading may be adversely affected by direct sunlight or the brightness of the surrounding light. Read the barcode away from direct sunlight. Adjust the brightness of the surrounding light when reading indoors.

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